Everybody wants to be successful, including myself. So I started to follow successful people on social media, read books about them and got the chance to talk to a couple of them. The one thing everyone of them has in common is, they got to a point in their life where they developed a personal framework (rational and emotional) for how to manage change. Every single one of them had wins and fails but what they did was adapting to it, they managed change. I try the same for myself, here is my short story how I realized that during my career:
In my career as a consultant, data scientist and academic researcher I have had the opportunity to study the motivation of consumer behavior, to invent new technologies for advanced analytics and to facilitate the implementation of analytical solutions for several of the Fortune 500 companies.
But not all of those stories are success stories. I built several analytical solutions that did not create any value because I did not take into account the people that are supposed to work with it. I started to connect the dots and saw success by managing the change. However, I realized that am not alone with that problem.
A lot of organizations struggle in successfully leveraging new technologies because they ignore that people need to change. While technology is an enabler for organizational transformation, understanding the behavior of people is the requirement to manage organizational change and create business value!